Paint Correction Explained

Paint Correction and Paint Enhancement is a simple system of defect removal consisting of different polishes and pads that level out the paint at a microscopic level. It creates a super smooth surface that is ceramic coating ready giving your paint the glassy finish explained in the Ceramic Coating section. There is a very simple tier system where the highest level of defect removal is a 2 Stage paint Correction and the lowest level is a Light Paint Enhancement. Both create a very smooth surface for ceramic coatings, here are three factors that depend on what is the right thing for you.

3 Different Factors:

  1. How much you want to spend

  2. How many swirls and scratches your vehicle has

  3. The level of correction you want for your vehicle

Level Of Correction

*Average number of microns of clear coat removed

So How Much Clear Coat Is actually being removed?

Let me create an accurate picture for you so you can have peace of mind and so you really know what is happening when you see us polishing your paint in the driveway or garage. To sum up how small a micron is, the thickness of a piece of paper is about 100 microns, that is crazy! But the average amount of clear coat on your vehicle can be anywhere from 35-50 Microns. So we are only removing a very small fraction of clear coat to create an amazing finish. That is also why it is important to protect your vehicle with a ceramic coating. The average thickness of a nano ceramic coating is 1-3 microns thick, which is about the same amount of clear coat we are polishing. Pretty interesting right?